You can't work in a STEEL mill and think small. GIANT converters hundreds of feet HIGH. Every night, the sky looked enormous. It was a torrent of flames - of fire. The place that Pittsburgh USED to be had such scale.

Author - Jack Gilbert

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Wisdom Comes From WITHIN. Knowledge Is Acquired And Can SOMETIMES PUT A Screen On Your Wisdom.


I Love Cookbooks For Completely DIFFERENT Reasons. I Love 'The Harry's Bar Cookbook' And Marco-Pierre White's 'White Heat' For Their Feel. For Pure Learning, Gray Kunz Wrote A Great Cookbook, 'The ELEMENTS Of Taste', PUBLISHED In 2001. The First Time I READ Charlie Trotter's, The CHICAGO Chef's First Cookbook, I Was Blown Away.


I'll Do Two Gigs On A SATURDAY Night Until Four O'clock In The Morning, Wake Up, And Do Drag Brunch On A SUNDAY, And Then Another Party Sunday Night. I DEFINITELY TAKE What I Do Very Seriously.


A Career PATH Is Rarely A Path At All. A More Interesting Life Is Usual A More Crooked, Winding Path Of Missteps, Luck And VIGOROUS Work. It Is ALMOST ALWAYS A Clumsy Balance Between The Things You Try To MAKE Happen And The Things That Happen To You.

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