I probably HUNG on for a COUPLE of years too long on 'Scary GO Round.' I knew I had lost some of my ENTHUSIASM for the characters and the setup, but I wasn't SURE what to do next.

Author - John Allison

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10+ Most View Birthday Quotes - For Your Success


The First DISNEY MOVIE I SAW I Think Was 'Snow White.' I Loved All The Disney Princess MOVIES.


It Started In MIDDLE School. Once, A GROUP Of Girls LOCKED Me In The Janitor's Closet. Another Time, A Girl Spilled Chocolate Milk Down A Dress I Made. Girls Would TRY To TRIP Me In The Hallway.


I Was A PROFESSIONAL FIGHTER For A While, And I TRAINED In Martial Arts For Seven Years, So I Think That Kind Of Helped Form A BASE For Me As Far As Dancing.


I Was 38 When 'Not GOING Out' BEGAN, And I Was PLAYING A 34-year-old Who Had A THING About His Landlady.


If I Don't Go To The Gym And Work Out, I Look Like A BAG Of BONES. I Go Three Times A Week Usually And It's Nearly All Weights Work To Help With DEFINITION.


Tim Pigott-Smith Once Told Me To Never Get Off The CAROUSEL, I.e., Just KEEP Working. It's Much Harder To Get Back On And Get A Job When You're Unemployed. But From My Own Experience, My Advice Would Be Keep The Faith, Be Yourself, And Don't Be Afraid To SAY 'no.' It's The Only Power We Have!

EVERYTHING's COMPLICATED, EVEN Those Things That SEEM FLAT In Their Bleakness Or Sadness.

I Love COFFEE Because It's The Ritual Of My Morning. I'm Very MUCH A Morning PERSON.

BACK In 2010, It Didn't MATTER When It Was Only Cuban Democrats, Zimbabwean Dissidents, Afghan Reformists And Russian Bloggers Whose Lives And Liberty Were Put At RISK By Wikileaks' Wilfully Negligent Data DUMPS.

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