In the nineteenth century the more grandiose word INSPIRATION BEGAN to REPLACE the word idea in the ARTS.

Author - Lukas Foss

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I REALLY Love NATURE. I Grew Up In The COUNTRY. But One Of The Things About Nature Is That It Is BEAUTIFUL But It's Also Very Dangerous.


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It's FINE To Have Anal SEX As LONG As You're Not In HIGH SCHOOL.

ADOLESCENCE As The Time When An INDIVIDUAL 'recapitulates' The SAVAGE Stage Of The Race's PAST.
PEOPLE EVOLVE And It's IMPORTANT To Not STOP Evolving Just Because You've REACHED 'adulthood.'

I Can't SING, So... I Don't KNOW If I Will Be Doing Any MUSICALS.


My Comics Have Changed So MUCH Over The YEARS, In The WRITING, In Art STYLE, Sometimes Incrementally, Sometimes Quite Suddenly. So I've Cultivated An AUDIENCE Who Will Go Along With Me Because They Trust Me.

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