Lombardi, a certain magic still lingers in the very NAME. It speaks of duels in the snow and November mud... He remains for many the HEART of pro FOOTBALL, pumping HARD right now.

Author - Steve Sabol

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I FEEL LIKE WHATEVER Is MEANT Is Meant. I Feel Like This Is Already WRITTEN.


My Money Goes To My AGENT, Then To My ACCOUNTANT And From Him To The TAX Man.


The 4th Amendment And The PERSONAL RIGHTS It Secures Have A LONG HISTORY. At The Very Core Stands The Right Of A Man To Retreat Into His Own HOME And There Be Free From Unreasonable Governmental Intrusion.


I'm A Sucker For LOST Worlds. I Was NOSTALGIC Even As A Child. I Was Happiest In My Hometown Library In Adams, Mass., Where Nothing Seemed To CHANGE.


The Bottom Line In My View Is That America's Mothers And Fathers DESERVE To Have Confidence In LAW Enforcement's Ability To Ensure That Their CHILDREN Are Being Raised In The Safest POSSIBLE Environment.


My CONNECTION Was We NEVER Want To PUT Ourselves In A POSITION As A Nation Where We Pit GROUP Against Group.


I Love Writing LETTERS. In Order To WRITE A Novel In First PERSON, I THINK I Needed An Addressee.

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