When I did my RESEARCH on this topic, I came to the startling conclusion that the FEDERAL Reserve System does not NEED to be audited - it NEEDS to be abolished.

Author - G. Edward Griffin

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Posted on 26 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Conclusion related to G. Edward Griffin. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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If A Martian CAME Down To Earth And Watched Television, He'd COME To Conclusion That All The World's SOCIETY Is Based On Britney Spears And PARIS Hilton. He'd Be Amazed That Our Society Hasn't Collapsed.


I KIND Of Came To The Conclusion After I Did Finally Get MARRIED That Love And Relationships Are Just A SERIES Of Horrific Losses With HOPEFULLY One Win.


That's What POLITICS Is. It's The Story Of What's Happening, What Does It MEAN, What's The CONCLUSION, Who Are The Interesting CHARACTERS?


As A Young Boy In Libya, It Was HARD To Escape The CONCLUSION That The Women Were The Most FEELING And Most Functional PART Of SOCIETY.


When There Is A MISSION Before You, You SEE It From Its BEGINNING To Its CONCLUSION.


I DEFINITELY Stuck Out Like A Sore Thumb. I CAME To The Conclusion - I Had To At Such A Young Age - If No One Was Going To Be Like Me, Then I Just Have To Own It. If I Can't Be Like Everyone Else, Then I MIGHT As Well Just Own Who I Am.


In Conclusion We May SAY, In View Of The Confirmation That Our STUDY Has Given Of The Parallelism Between Individual And Racial Thought Of The Self, That In The HISTORY Of Psychology We Discern The Great Profile Which The Race Has DRAWN On The Pages Of Time.


I've Seen Such A Turnaround With This New ADMINISTRATION, With President TRUMP, That When We Came To A CONCLUSION, The Answer Was YES - Yes, We Can MAKE A Difference.


One THING I Always Want To Clear Up Was The Notion That I 'took Time Off To Have A Baby.' A LOT People Leapt To That CONCLUSION Because Becoming A Parent Happened To Coincide With FILM Roles Tapering Off.

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