When I LOOKED at Ioniq, I thought about something in a childish WAY: If a thunder HITS the CAR, will it recharge?

Author - Jin

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The Mark Of Your IGNORANCE Is The Depth Of Your Belief In Injustice And Tragedy. What The Caterpillar CALLS The End Of The World, The MASTER Calls The Butterfly.


Be IMPECCABLE With Your Word. Speak With Integrity. Say Only What You MEAN. AVOID Using The Word To Speak Against Yourself Or To Gossip About OTHERS. Use The Power Of Your Word In The Direction Of Truth And Love.


Sometimes It SEEMS That We Are Successful Only Because We Have Not Tried Hard ENOUGH For Our Best. We Do The Hard Thing, And One Day We SUCCEED, And Many THINGS Are Made Plain To Us.




I'm A Very STUBBORN Person. I Think It Has Helped Me Over My Career. I'm Sure It Has Hindered Me At TIMES As Well, But Not Too MANY Times. I KNOW That If I Set My Mind To Do SOMETHING, Even If People Are Saying I Can't Do It, I Will Achieve It.


The FAULTS Of Husbands Are Often Caused By The Excess VIRTUES Of Their WIVES.


Jump Into The Middle Of THINGS, Get Your HANDS Dirty, FALL Flat On Your Face, And Then Reach For The STARS.


Sex APPEAL Is Fifty PERCENT What You've Got And Fifty Percent What PEOPLE Think You've Got.

MAN Is The MIRACLE In NATURE. GOD Is The One Miracle To Man.
REALITY Can DESTROY The DREAM; Why Shouldn't The Dream Destroy Reality?

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