You can not APPLY mathematics as long as words still becloud REALITY.

Author - Hermann Weyl

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Mathematics related to Hermann Weyl. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Mathematics Quotes - For Your Success


Mathematics Was HARD, Dull WORK. Geography Pleased Me More. For Dancing I Was Quite Enthusiastic.


The ABSTRACT Analysis Of The WORLD By MATHEMATICS And PHYSICS Rests On The Concepts Of Space And Time.


If Mathematics Is To Be Understood Widely, We NEED To Emphasise Its Elegance And Its Applications. SOMETIMES It Seems That Universities Want To Emphasise How DIFFICULT It Is!


I Chose To Deal With The Science Of Cryptography. Cryptography Began In Mathematics. Codes Were DEVELOPED, Even From Caesar's Time, Based On Number THEORY And MATHEMATICAL Principles. I DECIDED To Use Those Principles And Designed A Work That Is Encoded.

MATHEMATICS Cannot Handle PHYSICAL Quantities Like Density That LITERALLY Go To Infinity.

There's Something Uniquely INTERESTING About Buddhism And Mathematics, PARTICULARLY About QUANTUM PHYSICS, And Where They Meet. That Has Fascinated Us For A Long TIME.


In LIBYA, I Did Well At School Because I Was Clever. In Egyptian Public School, I GOT The Highest Marks For The Basest Of REASONS. And In The American School, I Struggled. Everything - Mathematics, The Sciences, Pottery, SWIMMING - Had To Be Conducted In A Language I Hardly KNEW And That Was Neither Spoken In The Streets Nor At Home.


I Think You Can Get BETTER In Mathematics On A School Level, But When You're Talking About Being A Mathematician, I Think That's Definitely A GIFT Of Genes Or WHATEVER, You KNOW? Whatever Your POOL Is.

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